Shane van Hekken | Young Professional

Mysolution @HEART People
Jonas Kraaijkamp - Traineeship Mysolution IT Consultant

Mysolution, with its program, offers what I am looking for!

I am Shane van Hekken, 26 years old, and started the Young Professional Programme at Mysolution in September 2023. After completing my master’s degree in Strategic Management, I was looking for an organisation where not only my skills and personality would be a good fit, but where there is also a positive and fun working environment. In addition, it was very important for me to have a clear career path in mind and the opportunity to fully develop myself at the beginning of my professional career. At Mysolution, I found exactly what I was looking for!

Traineeship volgen bij Mysolution - Traineeship IT Consultancy

Soft skill training in addition to hard skills

Since starting the ‘Young Professional Program – Implementation Consultant’ in September, the time has flown by and I am still happy every day that I get to work at such a pleasant organization. The 1st month was all about various soft and hard skills trainings, getting to know fellow YPPs, colleagues and the organization in general. After the 1st month, I was already allowed to join clients immediately to test the knowledge I had gained in practice. What I particularly like is that the work always remains challenging. Even consultants who have been working here for some time show me that they too are constantly learning new things. It is also enormously valuable that all my colleagues are always willing to help when needed. Furthermore, the YPP offers plenty of opportunities to discover where your interests lie and what you excel in.

Will you grow with us?

Making a difference. Being meaningful to our customers. Don’t you shy away from the
brainteasers and brainteasers in your work?

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